Thursday, March 5, 2009

Carpe Diem - "O Captain, my Captain"

The pipers blowing, the violin stings ringing, the marching begins ..this is the start and not the end. Well that was the beautiful climax of the "The Dead Poet Society".

I have been a great fan of Robin Williams and I usually love the characters he choose and the themes which does in his movies.

"To be or not to be. That is the question Gentlemen" Shakespeare must have thought this phrase for what context I do not know but here in this movie, whether the theme of free spirit hits the chord or not. Should one "Live Life", "Seize the day" or always "live in ones dreams" and go to death feeling that you could have done better.

Well it may seem ripe, revolutionary, enthusiastic in many a sense to read these phrases but as in the story "A wacky professor" in his unorthodox ways tries to kindle the human spirit which otherwise would have been idle and leads to a death when faced with odds.

So here comes the question "To be or not to be" that is the question. Well unanswered.

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